The unexpected and accidental are often the most interesting. Sometimes an impression is left by one plate on another, creating a faint image on subsequent work.
Discarded off cuts of paper laid out in a patchwork over the large plate resulted in some random prints (below), focusing the view on interesting elements that may have gone unnoticed in the larger, earlier pieces.
Artists editioning prints often score or cut the plate in order to ‘spoil’ it and prevent further prints being taken once the predetermined number has been reached. In contrast I scratch into or cut up the plate as part of a continual change with something new being created out of what has gone before and the plates themselves taking on a sense of history. There's no going back, but that's when interesting things happen, such as when I chopped the large plate into strips.
I moved them around, combined them with other plates, found some Japanese calligraphy paper...
Then I found an 18m roll of paper...