Hiller, S., After the Freud Museum, (London, Bookworks, 2000)
Bright, J. & Clark, G., An Introduction to the Tokens at the Foundling Museum, (London, The Foundling Museum, 2014)
Styles, J., Threads of Feeling: The London Foundling Hospital's Textile Tokens, 1740-1770, (London, The Foundling Museum, 2013)
Penney, D. &Stastney, P., The Lives They Left Behind, (New York, Bellvue Literary Press, 2008)
Masters, A., A Life Discarded, (London, 4th Estate, 2016)
Salamony, S. & Thomas P. & D., 1000 Artists' Books: Exploring the Book as Art, (USA, Quarry Books, 2012)




Idris Khan
Christian Boltanski
Robert Rauschenberg
Antoni Tapies 
Ian Breakwell - used diaries - narrative driven
John McDowell - makes books
Giuseppe Penone - project at Dean Clough
Walter Benjamin - philosopher interested in artifacts, books, others' possessions, diarist, interest if fragments, wrote in fragmented way. Biography by Esther Leslie.

Dialectics - no cause and effect, everything is process. Many processes in a world of language, objects etc - nothing is in isolation; all intersect, past, present & future.
History travels with all other things.